Paola Nesmith

Paola Nesmith - artistFor years, Paola Nesmith has been collecting jewels, stones and materials from around the world, but waited for the proper inspiration to begin crafting with them.

When her daughter worked in Iraq in 2006 and asked her to make her some earrings, it launched what would eventually become Azucena Verde. She uses her craft to stifle her worried mind and her unbounding nervous energy. Once Paola started, she couldn’t stop.

Originally from Rome, Italy, Paola moved to the U.S. in 1969, then spent 22 years in Puerto Rico before returning to the States to join her daughter in St. Petersburg in 2017 after Hurricane Maria devastated the island.

The name Azucena Verde or Green Azucena derives from the wonderfully aromatic azucena flower prominent in Puerto Rico. The Green represents new endeavors and how life affords people the opportunity to constantly reinvent themselves.

You can visit Paola on Second Saturday Art Walks at her studio (112) in the ArtsxChange in the Warehouse Art District, or by appointment.



Paola Nesmith - jewelry art
Paola Nesmith - jewelry