Dublin (Deb) von Cannon

Dublin-Deb-VonCannonTo paint my city is to understand my city; to create art from everyday experiences connects the person and their environment as an essence of placemaking through art. Via a range of mediums – whether from watercolor or acrylic paintings to linocut designs, pencil drawings or ink and wash sketches – stories of structures, tools, people and places are created. Inspiration is drawn from the works of Diego Rivera, Gabriel Campanario, Bansky and author Peter Kageyama.

So often artists are asked what medium is used when really, one should ask what subject fascinates the artist the most. For me, I like to create art about the urban setting in every medium I am capable of using. To hell with having to specialize; I love them all! There is a fallacy in believing one cannot be considered a serious artist without choosing a specialty. My speciality is being diverse in many mediums!

“The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules.” – Bansky

Urban Artist Florida on Flickr

Affiliated Business Name: Urban Artist Florida Studio

Additional Art Discipline: Book Cover Design


